
Running routes are organized by region.

Route descriptions include information about the course including distance, difficulty, condition of path, etc. along with parking, water/restroom locations, and more. For each entry there is a Google Map marking the route, links to maps or trail information, and photos of the course.

After training for several marathons, I've spent a lot of time seeking out, researching, and exploring appropriate places for long training runs. Here I have compiled the details on the most scenic and interesting routes to share with my fellow runners. Enjoy!

Running Places By Region

Golden Gate Park, Ocean Beach, Lake Merced

Coast and Golden Gate Park Run

Location: San Francisco

Info Link: Nike Women's Marathon Course Map

Summary: This is a fun and beautiful long run that follows most of the Nike Women's Marathon course. It's great for people watching and always the perfect temperature for running (60).

Heading into Golden Gate Park from the southwest corner (MLK Blvd.), follow the roads through the park to the end of the panhandle and back. It's approximately 8.5 miles back to the Great Highway. Then, head south along the sidewalk that parallels the Great Highway on the east side. At Sloat Blvd., cross the street and then turn left (inland). Follow Sloat past the zoo to Sykline Blvd. where you turn south to make your way around the lake. Be very careful crossing - make your way to the crosswalks rather than darting across, which is tempting. Follow the path around Lake Merced. It's approximately 4.5 miles around the lake. Retrace your steps back to Sloat, then back to the Great Highway and back to Lincoln. Cross over to the beach side to the parking lot. I usually come up about a mile short when I get to my car, so keep going up the paved boardwalk to get in the distance. If you would like to extend the run a couple of miles, run all the way up the big hill past the Cliff House and back down.

Gmap Link: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=2209019

Related blog posts: March 29, 2008 November 11, 2007 2005 Marathon Race Report

Distance: 20 miles

Conditions: Paved path. Dirt shoulder available along Great Highway and around Lake Merced.

Profile: Lightly rolling hills in Golden Gate Park, flat on Great Highway, gradual hills around Lake Merced.

Start/Park: Parking lot on the Great Highway at Lincoln (map) No Fee

Water/restrooms: There are several water fountains along the path in Golden Gate Park. The first restroom is about 2 mile mark, then there is another about a mile before you exit the park. You can stop by your car after doing the loop through the park. There is a public restroom at Sloat Blvd./Great Highway. There is a drinking fountain on the southwest corner of the Lake Merced loop, as well as a nasty porto potty.

Breakfast: Sea Breeze Cafe (3940 Judah St.)